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Help develop your local Community Hospital
We have seven community hospitals in Worcestershire, but what do they do?
- They support patients who need more care than can be provided at home, but who aren’t too ill they need emergency care – this is provided from the larger acute hospitals
- They can support patients to get back on their feet so t
hey can continue to recover at home after a serious illness, for example a stroke, or following major surgery
- Treat non-emergency or life threatening injuries through Minor Injuries Units which are located in four of our community hospitals
- Some of them provide outpatient clinics, for example physiotherapy where patients can get ongoing support to help their rehabilitation.
So what is this all about?
Lots of people tell us they want to avoid hospital wherever possible, so to deliver a local health service that helps care for more people at home we are investing in our community nursing team
These highly skilled teams provide important care and treatment in a patient’s own home, maintaining the person’s independence and reducing the need for them to go to hospital unless it is absolutely necessary. We are also looking at how we can improve and modernise outpatients clinics run from the community hospitals so appointments are more effective for patients.
This could change the way community hospitals have traditionally been used and while they will continue to do the majority of the things they currently provide, we want to work with local people to look at new or different opportunities for them to play an even bigger role in their local areas.
For example, we want to bring other organisations into the community hospitals so they could be home to a range of groups, clubs and activities or provide information to help more people get fit and stay healthy. They are a fantastic and much loved local resource and we want to work with you to get even more from them.
Community Hospitals Future Development - Share your thoughts and ideas
If you would like to provide your views and opinions around the development of community hospitals but are unable to attend our engagement events, please complete the below form.