Important information

Physiotherapy move to improve image

Aches and pains are a normal part of life. However, they can prevent you from carrying out your usual day-to-day activities and can make you feel worried and frustrated.

The good news is that most of the conditions that cause these aches and pains can be easily treated by you, at home. Click on the below tiles for advice and information from our clinicians to help you do this.

CSP resources to support self-managing MSK conditions - in partnerships with NHS England and other agencies

Service Update

Please be aware that the MSK service may utilise telephone and video software to enable the physiotherapist to complete a remote assessment. The telephone number will be withheld so please make sure that your phone allows you to receive incoming calls from withheld numbers. If a video call is required, you will need to download the appropriate software (Webex) to your mobile phone/tablet/laptop/PC and ensure that you have a web camera and microphone. In order to send the invite to the video call, we will require an e-mail address. If a video call is not possible, you will still receive a telephone assessment.

Webex Patient Guide V1.pdf [pdf] 1MB