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Extended X-ray service announced at Bromsgrove Minor Injury Unit

Although the MIU, which is based at the Princess of Wales Community Hospital, is open 7 days a week, until now X-rays have only been available from Monday to Friday, so by extending it to weekends we hope to be able to support more people who have suspected breaks or fractures
We are also extending the opening times of the MIU in Bromsgrove during this trial period too. So we will now be open from 8am until 8pm 7 days a week for the next 3 months.
Phil Shakeshaft, MIU Lead for Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, said: “The weekend X-ray service will be for a 3 month period initially while we gauge demand, and only applies to the Unit here in Bromsgrove, although our other units in the county are all open as normal, have access to X-rays during the week, and can also treat a range of non-emergency injuries.
“It is also worth remembering that waiting times across all our MIUs are much lower than in the busy A&E departments. So even if you have to travel a bit further to get to an MIU, chances are you can be seen and treated much quicker.”
For more information on the range of injuries which our MIUs can treat, visit