
Take your minor injury to our minor injury units

People with a minor injury are being urged to access the county’s minor injury units in Malvern and Bromsgrove and to avoid A&E.

Minor Injury Units at Malvern Community Hospital and at the Princess of Wales Community Hospital, Bromsgrove are open and ready to support anyone with a minor injury such as a small cut or burn, sprain, strain or suspected fracture. From this week patients can book an appointment slot at one of these units via NHS111 or they can attend and be triaged on site.

Phil Shakeshaft, Minor Injury Unit Lead for Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, said: “It is much more appropriate to use an MIU than to attend A&E if you have a minor injury. A&E should only be used for emergency or life threatening conditions. Often the waiting times in our MIUs are significantly less than an A&E department and we have also taken all necessary steps to ensure our units are safe and can adhere to social distancing measures.”

Anyone attending a unit should wear a face mask, and we are also asking that only one person attends if possible.

Minor Injury Units at Tenbury and Evesham Community Hospitals remain closed at the moment.

For more information visit

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