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I'm Mark Yates, Chair of Herefordshire and
Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. Each quarter we produce 'Connect', a newsletter sharing exciting news and updates from our services across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
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Useful contacts
Available 24/7 our urgent helpline supports people of all ages experiencing a mental health crisis/emergency.
Provides a range of help, support and treatment for those of use experiencing things like stress, worry, anxiety or low mood.
If you live in Worcestershire and think you need physio support you can use our self-referral form on our website.
Our CAMHS website has lots of information and links to a range of teams and resources which support a child/family experiencing mental health difficulties.
November 2021

As October draws to a close, I would like thank colleagues from across the region who have delivered a commendable line up of events and activities to mark Black History Month. As a Trust we were proud to unite with our partners across Herefordshire and Worcestershire in Wearing Red for Stand Up to Racism’s annual awareness day last Friday. The events provided a valuable opportunity to share learning and best practice across organisations and facilitated important discussions around the actions we can all take to improve the outcomes and experiences of our BAME staff and patients. We are fully committed to providing high quality services to everyone and strive to create an inclusive and diverse workplace that is welcoming and supportive to all.
Last week the national ‘Greener NHS’ campaign launched ahead of COP26. As the biggest employer in the country, the NHS has a vital role to play in the response to climate change in both the actions we take to reduce our carbon footprint, and the impact the climate crisis will have on the health of our staff and patients. In the coming months we endeavour to share regular updates on the Trust’s plans and progress towards the ambitious delivery of a net zero NHS and the role we play in driving change.”
Read the full Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service report on the Greener NHS website.
Mark Yates, Chair of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine clinics underway
Together with our partners, staff from the Trust are delivering COVID-19 booster and flu vaccinations to health and social care colleagues at clinics across Herefordshire and Worcestershire. 
The booster vaccine is currently available for those most at risk of contracting COVID-19. To be eligible for a booster you must have had a 2nd dose of a vaccine at least 6 months ago. Most people will be invited to book an appointment at a larger vaccination centre, pharmacy, or local NHS service such as a GP surgery.
The following cohorts can also book an appointment online providing they had their 2nd dose at least 6 months ago:
- a frontline health or social care workers – you do not need to wait for an invite
- aged 50 and over and the NHS has invited you to book
- aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts you at high risk from COVID-19 and the NHS has invited you to book
Find out more about the COVID-19 booster programme.
New mental health support in schools service in Herefordshire and Worcestershire 
A new NHS service launches this week to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people in schools across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
From the 1st of November, children and young people aged 5-18 will be able to access mental health support through the new Wellbeing and Emotional Support Teams in schools. This follows a national investment of £1.5 million to improve access to early mental health help through enhancing the support offered in local schools. Read the full press release.
Campaign set to raise mental health awareness in young people
Schools and colleges across Herefordshire
and Worcestershire are invited to hold a 'Great Big Lunch Break' to promote mental health awareness among children and young people.
The campaign has been developed to help kick-start conv ersations around mental health in with young people, through engaging themed activities. Find out more and request your free campaign pack.
Hospital at Home – Consultation
The Trust seeks the views of its patients, their families and stakeholders on the Hospital at Home approach to service delivery for older people experiencing mental health issues.
Hospital at Home is a service for older people experiencing mental health problems that are not attributed to dementia. It enables patients requiring treatment and support for an acute mental health problem to be cared for within their own homes. The service offers time limited interventions and support and it works closely with a range of other Trust services.
It was setup in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic when efforts were made to keep older people out of hospital where possible, to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19. It meant that patients could be cared for and treated in familiar environments and resulted in the temporary closure of Athelon ward in Worcester.
The Hospital at Home service is an additional resource insofar as ward based care continues to be provided for patients who need this at the New Haven site in Bromsgrove.
We would like to hear your views on the Hospital at Home service and whether you think the Trust should retain this model of care.
The information you provide will be anonymous and will only be used by the Trust to inform the consultation.
Think, Minor Injury Unit (MIU) this winter
Minor Injury Units are run by experienced clinicians and are available to treat non-life-threatening injuries, such as sprains and strains, minor breaks, cuts, minor burns and minor eye injuries.
Patients requiring treatment are encouraged to use the NHS111 online service to identify the most suitable health care service for their need.
MIU’s in Worcestershire are open 7 days a week and can be accessed via an appointment from NHS111 or as a walk in. For locations and opening times visit