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Posters and resources
If the posters in your area require changing or replacement, please review the resources within this section which yo u can print off and laminate for use.
These resources are split into various categories to make searching for a specific poster easier. As well as the Infection Prevention and Control standard posters you will also find a variety of posters to promote the importance of hand hygiene as the single most important way to prevent infection.
If the poster you require is not available please contact Louise Hough on 01386 502552 or email
Do you have a communication or information support need?
The resources on this page might not be accessible. If you have a communication or information support need or require any of these resources in an alternative format, please contact our Communications Team so those needs can be recorded and responded to.
Hand hygiene
The best way of preventing infection passing from one person to another is by cleansing our hands. All opportunities to promote hand hygiene to staff, patients and visitors should be considered. The posters below provide information on hand washing and use of hand gels to ensure the correct method is used at the right time. Additional posters to support effective hand hygiene include promotion of 'Bare Below the Elbows' and are also available below.
Hand hygiene undertaken by healthcare staff must always be carried out in accordance with the '5 Moments of Hand Hygiene'. Patients should not be afraid to ask healthcare staff if they have cleansed their hands prior to provision of care or treatment.
- Alcohol gel poster
- Stop, remember to use alcohol hand gel poster
- Wet, Soap, Wash, Rinse, Dry poster
- Bare below the elbows - non-clinical areas
- Bare below the elbow - clinical areas
- 9 Steps handwashing A4 poster
- 9 Steps handwashing A5 poster
- Please wash your hands before eating a meal - poster
- Washing your hands after the loo - poster
- Stop - Think - Wash your hands poster
- Colour coding for cleaning equipment
- Colour coding cleaning cloths
- Colour coding for laundry bags
- Coloured decontamination poster
- Colour Coding NPSA Hospital Inpatient Areas
- Cleaning an Isolation Area
- Commode Cleaning Protocol - A4 (older style)
- DBO Commode Cleaning Protocol - A3
- Assurance record for cleaning commodes s
- Ultrasonic cleaning - rules poster
- Single Use equipment
- Which wipe poster
- Protocol - Manual Washing Surgical Instruments
Promoting safe practice - Needlesticks and spillages
- Needlestick Injury flowchart
- Be IPC Smart Information
- IPC Be Smart - Community
- Children's Area Sink Labels
- Decontamination Sink Labels
- Hand Wash Sink Labels
- Washing Up Sink labels
- Splash back poster
- Never Ever - Sharps best practice
- Management of blood, vaccine and body fluid spillages
- Sharps injury - 4 steps
- Sharps container
- Laundry/linen segregation
Resources for clinical staff
- NOROVIRUS information sheet for staff
- Viral Diarrhoea & vomiting Leaflet
- H&C Trust Help up to combat norovirus Leaflet
- Norovirus STOP poster for Inpatient Settings
- Norovirus poster for MIU and Out-patients Settings
- Hand Hygiene Guidelines
- Hand Hygiene Poster
- Bare below the elbow poster
Laminated Posters can also be obtained from the Infection Prevention and Control Team on: 01386 502552
Resources for nursing staff
Other resources relating to Norovirus
- Norovirus -
- Norovirus: guidance, data and analysis - UKHSA
- NHS How To Take A Stool Sample with subtitle - YouTube (With Subtitles)
- NHS How To Take A Stool Sample - YouTube (Without Subtitles)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common infections that can affect the bladder, the kidneys and the tubes connected to them. They are the second most common clinical indication for routine antibiotics in both primary and secondary care and urine samples make up the largest single group of specimens examined in most medical microbiology laboratories. The need for accurate prompt diagnosis and treatment is key in their successful management.
Resources below set out to provide information or training resources that can be used to inform practice. Please also refer to the primary care antimicrobial prescribing guidelines for information on treatment of urinary tract infections.
- UTI quick reference guide
- UTI aware leaflet
- UTI aware poster
- UTI urine aware scale poster
- UTI Toolkit 2023
- Care home flow chart
- Catheter guidelines
- Dehydration chart sticker
- Suspected UTI treatment management
- RCN Catheter Information
- Catheter Passport Narrative (opens on Youtube)
- Urinary Care Catheter Guide (opens on Youtube)
- Public Health England Advice and Guidance on the Diagnosis of UTIs
- UKHSA-NHSE UTI prevention and awareness toolkit 2023